

High class security

We've left no stone unturned to make Meta Life Globel's most safe and secure platform

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Metafund novel data availability and validity scheme allows chains to interact with each other in a meaningful way. Chains remain independent in their governance, but united in their security.


A smart contract is an agreement between two people in the form of computer code. They run on the blockchain, so they are stored on a public database and cannot be changed.


Verifiable proof of the project’s performance statistics as well as its partners transaction history are publicly available on the blockchain. The smart contract code is open, anyone can see the entire transaction history. This guarantees the purity of conditions and real platform statistics.


Decentralization refers to a specific form of organizational structure where the top management delegates decision-making responsibilities and daily operations to middle and lower subordinates,smartcontractis, Anautomated, contractthat Givesyou, Andsustainability